Peace is the Precursor of Development:

…Before the Curtains Fall

“Choose you this day whom you will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”

This short admonition by Joshua seems quite apt in our current political realities.

On March 11, 2023, in exactly 7 days from today, we will be faced with the option of choosing to either return to the dark days of Akwa Ibom State when kidnapping and politically- motivated killings were state policy; or further on the peace and calm that have brought new life into our dear state. The choice for either resides in that one vote.

Though unfortunate, it remains a reality that oftentimes, our electoral choices are shaped and traded-off by what financial gains there are to make. But the knowledge that with peace and security in our society, we can achieve our greatest potentials should be more compelling and cause us to make the right political choices.

No gold, no silver or any precious stone can replace peace and freedom on a personal or communal basis. The almost-eight years of the current administration, which have come with positive lessons buttress this assertion in contrast to the previous eight years. An hour of peace can engender decades of development. A week of insecurity can take a society ten years backward. Akwa Ibom people, let’s think right.

Akwa Ibom has rightfully earned with pride the status of the most peaceful state in South-South Nigeria and one of the most peaceful places in Nigeria. It has become home to all Nigerians irrespective of ethnic colouration, class and religion. We owe ourselves the duty to continue walking the path of peace. With peace comes freedom. Freedom of mind and freedom of thought.

While different candidates have emerged with different messages, and some of these messages do not match the character of the messengers, it is necessary that we should stop and think!

The governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Pastor Umo Eno, beyond his message of peace, lives it. Not only because he is a Christian Clergy but because it is his character.

While some candidates are violence personified due to their nature or fraternal affiliation, Pastor Umo Eno stands out with his message of peace just as Jesus offered to his disciples in John 24:27.

Yours sincerely is hopeful that the message of peace for a peaceful Akwa Ibom is permeating deep when a prominent gang leader in the state recently advised his ‘boys’ to tow the path of peace against supporting a candidate whose government would continue to keep them at the rung of the ladder for ‘dark jobs’ only.

In seeking revenge against a system, it is important to apply caution in order not to cause a change that might eventually become our chain.

A stitch in time, they say saves nine. Let’s think right, let’s vote right. Let’s support Pastor Umo Eno and the PDP.

Courtesy of Communications Sub-committee on Strategic Planning.


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